Thursday, November 21, 2013

Method for Analyzing the Value of Distributed Energy Storage at the Facility Level – Step 4: Determine Reduced Peak - Further Explanation

received a few questions related to step 4 from people asking for more information and an example of the method that I described for calculating the new reduced peak that can be realized by deploying an energy storage device in the demand charge management application. To do this I posted the following video on youtube:

The video references a spreadsheet that I created for this example. The spreadsheet contains hypothetical load profile information for one week and is used in the video to show how to determine the possible reduction in peak energy within the constraints of the energy storage device's power and energy rating. The spreadsheet can be downloaded from here.

One thing to note, is that the video shows a very manual process of running goal seek optimization in Microsoft Excel. This may not be practical for a large number of data points in your load profile. This very manual process can be accelerated by using a macro. I used the following macro during my first analysis of the software company:

Sub Macro3()

Worksheets("<sheet name>").Activate

For Each cll In Range("p6:p11")
cll.goalseek goal:=1000, ChangingCell:=cll.Offset(, -7)
Next cll

End Sub

Macro notes:
  • p6:p11 - the range of cells that need to match the goal (i.e. these cells should = the goal by changing these cells)
  • 1000 - the goal
  • Offset (column , row) - offset from cells that get changed to make range of cells match the goal
Certainly there are many online resources to learn how to create a macro to run goal seek optimization on multiple cells. Here are a few that I found:

Please post questions and comments.

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