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Welcome to Marlon's Energy Storage Blog

I would like to use this blog to continue my study of Energy Storage.

  • All posts are organized into pages, each pages covers large topic areas in Energy Storage.
  • Please comment! As I mentioned, this blog is to continue my study of Energy Storage. If you have a different opinion or notice something that could be improved, expanded or corrected, I would love to hear your comments.
  • This blog assumes a basic understanding of the concept of energy storage. 
    • Often when reading an article about energy storage there are sentences or paragraphs dedicated to explaining the need for energy storage (especially with regards to renewable energy). These are meant to allow anyone to understand and appreciate the article. Assuming the reader understands the basics of energy storage, I’ll skip over this in each posting.
  • I’ll announce each new post on Twitter (@marlonbanta)

About Me.

I recently was awarded my master's degree in Sustainabilityand Environmental Management (SEM) from Harvard's extension school. My thesis was on the topic of energy storage. If you would like to get a copy of my thesis please connect with me on Twitter or Linkedin

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