Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thermal Energy Storage

With the possible exception of kinetically charged flywheels, energy storage technologies, discussed thus far, have used electricity as the primary form of energy to charge the storage device. In all cases the output of the storage device, during discharge, has been electricity. Other forms of energy can be the input and output of a storage device. In the case of thermal energy storage, the charging and sometimes discharging of the device involves the transfer of heat. Just like other storage technologies, there is great variability in energy storage metrics that characterize the device and the device’s application.
One form of thermal energy storage, common as a "passive design" practice for the built environment, is to add thermal mass onto a building to buffer indoor temperatures against dramatic shifts in outdoor temperature. Sometimes called a "thermal flywheel" because of its ability to smooth out temperature variation, thermal mass can have a dramatic impact on the amount of energy used to heat or cool a building. Thermal mass is simply a solid or liquid that will absorb and store warmth, often from direct sunlight, so that the heat can be released indoors when outdoor temperatures fall. Thermal mass implementations have also been used to store "coolness" by releasing heat to reach a lower temperature and then absorbing heat at a later time to reduce indoor temperatures relative to the warmer outside temperatures (Torcellini & Pless, 2004)Figure 1 shows a diagram of a common thermal mass building element called a “Trombe wall”. A well installed Trombe wall can dramatically reduce the climate control energy needs of a building (DWLS, 2008).

 Figure 1 basic diagram of a Trombe wall used for thermal energy storage (DWLS, 2008).

Thermal energy storage can also be used to generate and store electricity. Concentrated solar thermal - CST - power plants use parabolic mirrors, called heliostats, which track the sun as it passes through the sky to concentrate sunlight. In some applications, a large array of two-axis heliostats concentrates the sunlight to a central point in the power plant to heat a generating fluid. In other applications the fluid is heated in a pipe located at the focal point of each single axis heliostat (Solúcar, 2006). Steam is generated, either directly, when water is the generating fluid, or indirectly, when other substances are used. This steam turns a steam turbine that powers a generator producing electricity. Some of the heated generating fluid is stored for later use. This allows the CST to compensate for variations in solar access caused by clouds while also providing the ability to produce power at night. Depending on the generating fluid and system design, the night time discharge duration can be several hours. Figure 2 shows a diagram of the PS-10, a 10MW solar thermal power plant located near Seville, Spain. The PS-10 uses water/steam as the generating fluid and has a storage capacity equivalent to 20 MWh (Solúcar, 2006).

Figure 2 showing a diagram of the PS-10, a 10MW thermal power plant near Seville, Spain, with a thermal storage capacity equivalent to 20 MWh (Solúcar, 2006).

Recently, the world’s largest parabolic trough Concentrated Solar Power plant with thermal energy storage, built in Gila Bend, Arizona, passed commercial operation tests. Though similar in some respects to the plant shown in Figure 2 this massive 280 MW facility uses parabolic mirrors to concentrate sunlight to a pipe containing a heat transfer fluid (synthetic oil) that passes through the focus of the parabolic mirror. Ultimately water is heated by the heat transfer fluid to become steam to drive a turbine. A reservoir of heated oil is used to store excess thermal energy. This stored thermal energy can be used to drive the turbines at full power (280 MW) for six hours (Owano, 2013).
In all but the coldest climates, energy used to provide air conditioning can represent a sizable portion of a building’s electricity consumption. Thermal energy storage, such as Ice Energy’s Ice Bear distributed thermal energy storage system, can be used to augment traditional air conditioners to make them more efficient. The Ice Bear is essentially a large thermal storage tank where ice is produced at night during off peak periods (Figure 3). This not only takes advantage of cheaper off peak energy, it also improves the overall efficiency of the system as nighttime temperatures are lower, requiring less energy to produce the ice. During peak daytime periods, when AC energy consumption is high, water chilled by the ice is used to cool the AC unit’s refrigerant instead of the unit’s compressor. The “discharge” cycle of the Ice Bear is at least 6 hours. The unit is also advertised as being a “lossless” storage system because the Ice Bear improves the operating efficiency of the AC unit to a point that “more than compensates for any inherent inefficiencies in the storage/discharge cycle common to other types of energy storage.” (Ice Energy, 2012) The Ice Bear is rated to provide a 7 kW reduction in peak power demand with a total of 35 kWh of energy shifted to off peak with a 25 year design life (Ice Energy, 2012).

Figure 3 showing Ice Energy’s Ice Bear thermal energy storage system used to augment an existing building AC unit (Ice Energy, 2012).

Works Cited

DWLS. (2008). Design Examples | Druk White Lotus School, Ladakh. Retrieved January 20, 2013, from

Ice Energy. (2012). Product Sheet; Ice Bear Energy Storage. Windsor, CO: Ice Energy.

Owano, N. (2013, October 11). Arizona solar plant achieves six hours after sun goes down. Retrieved October 17, 2013, from

Solúcar. (2006). 10 MW Solar Thermal Power Plant for Southern Spain. Seville, Spain: Solúcar.

Torcellini , P., & Pless, S. (2004). Trombe Walls in Low-Energy Buildings: Practical Experiences. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory .

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