Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Flywheels represent a purely kinetic means of mechanical energy storage that leverages the rotational inertia embodied in a large spinning flywheel. Motors often spin the flywheel until they reach their operating angular velocity (Figure 1). At this point small amounts of energy are required to keep the flywheel spinning. To produce electricity the flywheel spins the motor (which now acts as a generator) until power is brought back into the flywheel or the flywheel stops spinning. Flywheels were historically characterized by massive wheels spinning on shafts physically connected to bearings. Traditionally they were prone to catastrophic, sometimes fatal failures with somewhat short term output. Modern flywheels feature more compact designs with greater capacity. They are constructed with compact composite rotors housed in vacuum enclosures, spinning on frictionless magnetic bearings (Figure 1) (Abele, Elkind, Intrator, & Washom, 2011). Despite the improvements in the safety and performance of a modern flywheel, they are still often covered with a protective shield designed to contain the unit in case of a failure.

Figure 1 showing a modern flywheel energy storage system (Molina, 2010)
Flywheels have been used for thousands of years to store energy. Some early examples include potter’s wheels, grinding stones and the large flywheels on steam engines. In all of these applications, the energy from variable or pulse sources of power is balanced to provide a continuous output using the inertia of the spinning mass of the flywheel. This steady or continuous nature of the output power make modern flywheels a natural fit for power quality applications and UPS applications (Abele, Elkind, Intrator, & Washom, 2011). The ability to charge using highly variable pulses of power, in the form of kinetic or electrical energy, makes flywheels an ideal candidate for regenerative power applications such as industrial cranes and light rail (Baxter, 2006).
Flywheels are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions and can be deeply (even completely) discharged over a large number of cycles. They are also characterized by a long service life with corporations producing flywheels offering product warranties in excess of 20 years. The power of a flywheel is directly related to the mass of the rotor; however the power increases to the square of the rotational surface speed of the rotor. For this reason modern flywheels have lighter composite rotors that spin at very high speeds, potentially up to 100,000 RPM, but more commonly in the range of 20,000 to 60,000 RPM (Baxter, 2006). With a direct connection between the motor/generator, lighter rotors, spinning at high speed, give flywheels a very fast response time that rivals that of batteries. These high speed rotors also make flywheels more appropriate for applications requiring short duration bursts of power. Individual flywheels can produce power in the 100kW range with a discharge duration measured in minutes. A common strategy is to combine a large number of flywheels to increase the power output. Flywheels are estimated to have a cost of $459/kW, however the life cycle costs of a flywheel can be very low (Baxter, 2006).
               The reliability, fast response times and low operating costs of flywheels make them very appealing; however the low discharge duration is considered a significant limitation of flywheel technology. This short discharge duration has the effect of limiting the applicability of flywheels to support renewable energy generation. For this reason recent research activities have centered on increasing the energy output of flywheels to allow them to be used for applications such as renewable firming, arbitrage or even load shifting. One example is the 2010 ARPA-E contract signed with Beacon Power (a Massachusetts based flywheel manufacturer) to develop long discharge duration flywheels with the goal of supporting renewable energy installations (GlobeNewswire, 2010). In the following year Beacon Power applied for bankruptcy protection, forcing Beacon Power to shift from a flywheel research and development role to a company that owns and operates flywheels to provide power quality applications to utilities. Recently, on September 11, 2013, Beacon Power began providing frequency regulation services to Pennsylvania’s PJM Interconnection with a flywheel energy storage plant currently rated at 4 MW. The plant is expected to be built out to reach a power rating of 20 MW by the second quarter of 2014 (Beacon Power, 2013). Though recent investment is clearly focused on power applications, it should be noted that other companies such as Temporal Power, in Ontario Canada, are continuing to innovate to develop flywheels that can be used for energy applications.

Works Cited

Abele, A., Elkind, E., Intrator, J., & Washom, B. (2011). 2020 Strategic Analysis of Energy Storage in California. Los Angeles: California Energy Commission. Publication Number: CEC-500-2011-047.

Baxter, R. (2006). Energy Storage; A Nontechnical Guide. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Corporation.

Beacon Power. (2013, September 18). Beacon Power LLC Begins Commercial Operation at Flywheel Energy Storage Plant in Pennsylvania. Retrieved October 16, 2013, from

GlobeNewswire. (2010, September 27). Beacon Power Signs ARPA-E Contract to Begin Developing Long-Duration Flywheel for Renewable Energy Integration. Retrieved January 25, 2013, from NASDAQ OMX, GlobeNewswire:

Molina, M. G. (2010). Dynamic Modelling and Control Design of Advanced Energy Storage for Power System Applications. San Juan: Argentinean National Research Council for Science.

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