Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Method for Analyzing the Value of Distributed Energy Storage at the Facility Level – Step 7: Considering the Environmental Impacts

Figure 1 shows the current step in the evaluation methodology…

Figure 1 Showing the current step (step 7: considering the environmental impacts ) in the methodology for evaluating a facility level energy storage deployment.

It is important to consider the environmental impact associated with energy storage technologies. Ultimately one of the primary goals of implementing a renewable energy generation project, balanced by energy storage, is to achieve beneficience, or “the relationship of being a net-positive environmental influence on the planet” (Norris, 2011). Certainly, the overall reduction in emissions related to implementing an energy storage project should be calculated. Because so many factors contribute to the overall reduction in emissions beyond the simple calculation of energy offset by the storage device (including changes in power plant operation; reduction in idle or spinning generator time), such a calculation is rather complicated.
Another important consideration is the Life Cycle Assessment of the energy storage equipment itself. “Life CycleAssessment (LCA) is a technique to assess the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, process, or service” (US EPA, 2012). An LCA is performed by first compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases; this is often called the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI). Next the environmental impacts associated with each input and release is determined and aggregated to develop an overall understanding of the environmental impacts of the product. 
In order to facilitate the comparison between two essentially different energy storage devices, a functional unit must also be defined. The functional unit describes what each energy storage device must do to be considered equivalent such that a comparison of the environmental impacts of each device using LCA is valid (Norris, 2011). When comparing the LightSail RAES V1 to the VRB-ESS® the functional unit could be to produce 1 MWh of electricity at a power rating of 250 kW every day for 20 years. This functional unit will need to be adjusted to consider other energy storage devices. Considering a combined system of renewable generation and energy storage would require yet another functional unit.
As such nascent technologies, I have not been able to find a full LCA of an energy storage device and without knowledge of the major components that comprise each device an LCA would be difficult to estimate with any reasonable level of accuracy. However the relative environmental impact can be estimated by looking for drivers of environmental impact that are unique in each energy storage device. The LightSail RAES V1, the VRB-ESS® and the Ice Bear are all large pieces of industrial equipment that are each made of various quantities of metals, plastics and other materials that required quantities of fuel and energy for manufacture. A very detailed LCA would be required to determine if one product resulted in reduced environmental impacts compared to the others. There is no single factor in the construction of the power conversion system or the balance of the plant that stands out in one device relative to the others. For this reason, it is assumed that when considering only these two storage device components, the three products would have the same environmental impacts.
The remaining device component, the storage medium, should then be compared across the three devices to see if one stands out above the others. For the Ice Bear, distilled water is the primary storage medium (Ice Energy, 2012). For the LightSail RAES V1, air is the primary storage medium but it should be noted that distilled water is also used to capture, store and release heat required for the operation of the device (Lightsail Energy, 2012). Though producing distilled water does require significant amounts of energy, these devices are closed loop systems so water consumption over the life of the device will not likely be significant. Above these two devices, vanadium redox flow batteries, such as the VRB-ESS®, have a vanadium electrolyte as the storage medium. In a vanadium redox flow battery, the electrolyte solution is commonly composed of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) in a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (Huskinson, 2013). With proper handling, the electrolyte can be fully recycled with little environmental impact but it is the acquisition of vanadium itself that is considered to be the major driver of environmental impacts for a vanadium flow battery (Huskinson, 2013). In a 1998 LCA study by Carl Johan Rydh, it was determined that to meet the functional unit of 150 kWh/day over 20 years, the vanadium electrolyte would have the following environmental impacts:

Table 1 showing LCA results for a study of vanadium electrolyte (Rydh, 1999).
Environmental Impact
Amount (150 kWh/day)
Global Warming Impact
kg CO2 e
Water Eutrophication
kg PO4 e
Air Acidification
kg SO2 e

Scaling these impacts up to a 1000 kWh/day system will give an estimation of the environmental impacts attributed to the vanadium electrolyte (the storage medium). The vanadium electrolyte impacts are assumed to be the impacts associated with the VRB-ESS® that are above the impacts of the other two devices.
Recent research out of Stanford University revealed that compared to the amount of energy they can store, the following battery technologies require significant amounts of energy to produce: 
  • lead-acid
  • lithium-ion
  • sodium-sulfur
  • vanadium-redox
  • zinc-bromine

According to Charles Barnhart, a study researcher, “This is somewhat intuitive, because battery technologies are made out of metals, sometimes rare metals, which take a lot of energy to acquire and purify (Shwartz, 2013).” The study went on to develop a metric called the ESOI (Energy Stored on Investment) which “is the amount of energy that can be stored by a technology, divided by the amount of energy required to build that technology. The higher the ESOI value, the better the storage technology is energetically (Shwartz, 2013)." It was found that a pumped hydro facility had an ESOI of 210: i.e. a pumped hydro facility will store 210 more energy than is required to produce the facility. In contrast, of the electrochemical storage devices, lithium-ion batteries had the highest ESOI value of 10 while lead-acid batteries had an ESOI value of 2 (Shwartz, 2013).
         It is easy for someone to assume that any technology that increases the proliferation of clean renewable energy (as is the promise of energy storage) would inherently be beneficient. However a product that can only store twice the energy that it takes to produce cannot be considered beneficient from an environmental perspective, especially when significantly more efficient alternatives exist. We must strive for the best solution and be willing to change rapidly when better solutions exist.
It is interesting that the same team at Stanford has continued its research into the most appropriate application of energy storage by considering whether it is energetically more efficient to store or curtail solar energy or wind energy. The research found that because solar panels have a significantly less favorable ratio of output energy to energy required for production than wind turbines, it may be a better choice to curtail rather than store wind energy production (and in some instances solar energy production) depending on the associated storage device (Shwartz, 2013). The research indicates that electrochemical energy storage (with the lower ESOI) is more appropriate, from a financial and energetic perspective, for storing solar energy than wind energy across a wider range of scenarios. Charles Barnhart reasons that "You wouldn't spend a $100 on a safe to store a $10 watch. Likewise, it's not sensible to build energetically expensive batteries for an energetically cheap resource like wind, but it does make sense for photovoltaic systems, which require lots of energy to produce. (Shwartz, 2013)"

Works Cited

Huskinson, B. (2013, January 11). PhD candidate, Applied Physics; Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. (M. Banta, Interviewer)

Lightsail Energy. (2012). Technology. Retrieved January 14, 2013, from Lightsail Energy: http://lightsailenergy.com/tech.html

Norris, G. (2011). Doing More Good than Harm: Footprints, Handprints, and Beneficience. Retrieved September 8, 2011, from http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic979929.files/Week%201%20Docs/Basic%20Beneficience%20Primer.pdf

Rydh, C. J. (1999). Environmental assessment of vanadium redox and lead-acid batteries for stationary energy storage. Journal of Power Sources, 21-29.

Shwartz, M. (2013, March 5). Stanford scientists calculate the carbon footprint of grid-scale battery technologies. Retrieved November 28, 2013, from Stanford news: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2013/march/store-electric-grid-030513.html

Shwartz, M. (2013, September 9). Stanford scientists calculate the energy required to store wind and solar power on the grid. Retrieved November 28, 2013, from Stanford News: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2013/september/curtail-energy-storage-090913.html

US EPA. (2012, August 5). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Retrieved February 15, 2013, from US EPA: http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/std/lca/lca.html

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